Saturday, January 12, 2008


is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Something was not right. I just couldn't figure it out. It should flow naturally, but it just wasn't... flowing.

And then...

At 3.41am...


I'm not too bad at pool. I even have a tournament bronze medal on my shelf from 10 years ago, but when I started picking up the cue again, the balls weren't going where they were supposed to go. I was getting beaten by practically everyone. Including when I was playing against myself.

What was I doing wrong? What was missing?

It's like that dish that seemed perfect but lacking one crucial ingredient (salt).

It's like the most wonderful love letter ever written that would never arrive (stamp).

It's like one of your favourite sitcoms from which you can't remember the name of the main actress (Justine Bateman).

And then, that eureka moment.

Chin on cue.

That was it!

And the balls began flying into the pockets like it were their ancestral homes...


I wonder what other stuff I'm doing are missing their crucial ingredients...


Anonymous said...

Family Ties!!!

JustinE Bateman? The older sister who delivered her lines with that deadpan face, betul tak!

I used to think Alex P Keaton was cute in it. Annoyingla but cute.

Tengku smsed that they would be interviewing in JB next week. Cant make it tho.

Don't you wish you were interviewing the kids too?

Idaman said...

Justine is a girl! I forgot that... just saw the theme song on youtube...

Hehe... it would be real fun to do the interviews. They tell me they've been having loads of fun.

Anonymous said...

Main pool kene chin on cue ke? Well... I am not good at pool but i played few rounds in my young-er age. Nampakanya you balik kang maybe kita boleh bersuka ria main pool together gether...

Red said...

sari ckp 'younger age' macam dia dah tua je. and how does that makes you feel, Ayaz?

Idaman said...

When she turned 18, Sari told me at that time that she felt old... so... hehe...

Anonymous said...

Encik ayaz, update plizzzzzzzzzz! He he :)

Idaman said...

Welcome back to myself... !

And the ducks here are quite good-looking yo...

Anonymous said...

Chin on cue!! that's a must!! ;)