Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I felt like drowning.

Left and right, all around, were 42 other 17-year olds. Girls and boys. As each one spoke, I dreaded when it would be my turn to do so. Each spoke eloquently, and some of them used words I'd never heard of. One guy looked familiar, I figured out later that I had seen him on TV. They had opinions on worldly matters... and I was just concerned about how my favourite local football team would fare in the league. What can I say to impress this lot?

One said his ambition was to be the prime minister - that was my que to regret having decided to come for this boot camp. I lived about 45 minutes away from this hostel, and could arrange a quick gateaway. Either that, or spend the next 10 days with this bunch of ambitious, over-achieving, well-spoken, confident, boarding-schooled and weird individuals.

That was December 1995. The Tun Razak Leadership Programme. It was supposed to bring together outstanding student leaders from all over Malaysia, and...


...no, I didn't abandon the programme in the end.

I didn't bring a camera either, but the memories of the programme remain etched in my mind.

I'll never forget the absolute darkness and deafening silence in the depths of Batu Caves. Where one can be lost forever even though only minutes away from civilisation. Or the thousands of cockroaches scurrying just a few feet above our heads before we were plunged into the darkness.

Or the night I spent with a leech stuck on my back, only to discover it when I was showering the next day. It probably died of an overdose of my toxic blood, but even in death, its jaw was still embedded onto my flesh...

We learnt a lot from those who came to speak to us, from the many visits we made but mostly from each other. I was enlightened. I learnt not to underestimate what I can learn from the experiences of others, regardless of their background (and having gone back to the programme numerous times after that - regardless of age). And equally, I learnt not to underestimate what others can learn from me.

Larry King once said, "I never learn a thing when I open my mouth". I became a much better listener after the programme (PKTR, not Larry King Live).

Well, I may have missed the latest instalment of the programme, but I should be back next year. To do what I do best with a new bunch of ambitious, over-achieving, well-spoken, confident, boarding-schooled and wierd individuals.


Lee said...

i felt the same way too!!

Anonymous said...

And... see where that "17-year-old boy" at nowadays huh?

I know exactly how it felt to be around over-achievers where your achievements seemed pretty much worthless compared to them. But then again.... all these people who work sooo soo hard, try to get everything, be everywhere, act important.... at the end of the day, the way I see it, all they have are "empty fortune” >>> cecece I buat term sendirik nih!

Keoi said...

well..same goes here..(agree with li-v @dok dang)

Anonymous said...

ditto! :) -irina, pktr03-

syuhadaa said...

Always knew there's something fishy about the "group" since you're called "Abg Ayaz" that one...memorable time.

But u survived alright.. heh

Saya Yang Ayu said...

I know what you mean. It's me in my schizophrenia mode; I want to be achieve everything that seemed important (maybe they are, maybe not - I'm still figuring that out). But at the end of the day, the battle is in me. What do I want? Who do I want to be? What do I want to achieve?. I'm still deciding.

I hope you are too. The thing is you've already achieve a lot. Most probably more than anyone of those wannabes. Give yourself a pat on the back, you've done great!

By the way, how're things? Whats your final project like? I'm finalising my proposal and am off to KL in 2 weeks time. You need anything from home just give me a shout.

Idaman said...

Hehe, amazing to find out that the same feelings were felt across the years...

I should really complete the story soon... coz it didn't turn out too bad. It was wonderful actually.

Empty fortune? Hehe... lawak la you Sari.

Syu - I'm called Abang for a very good reason ok - age. Why not you start calling me that as well? Respek!

Idaman said...

Lina is going back to KL... how great is that? Hehe... will shout if anything comes up.

My project is on government bonds. I've got some funding to do a part of it...

if all goes according to plan...

in Paris...

which is, as eveyone knows, undoubtedly, the most romantic place on earth...

bar none...

to research on bonds.

Anonymous said...

hello ayaz,

enjoyed reading the long awaited sambungan to the PKTR story. researching bonds in paris ey? I masuk sewer hari tu, part of the Fire and Rescue Dept. Module for the 6 month DPA training us civil servants have to go through. And I kind of had fun. SO if I can have fun in a sewer, you lagi la. Research on bonds pun bonds la, Paris maaaannnnnn :)

Have fun!


Idaman said...

Hello Aida... 6 months course... wow... :-) No wonder very quiet!

Nadya Summer said...

the feelings are shared here too..
wow. didnt know abg ayaz felt the sam way i do, n look where he is now.
im inspired.

*wink wink*


nadya summer